Grape growing
The agricultural-veterinarian school „Svilajnac“ has 3 hectares (7.41acres) of vineyards. Along with the top class sorts of grapevine, there are also newly found, perspective sorts of grapevine. The school has an experimental plantation of grapevine for the needs of the Ministry of agriculture. It contains newly bred sorts as well as clones of the existing ones.
These are a necessary teaching aid because the students need to get acquainted with the sorts of grapevine ,their treatment, pruning, protection and harvesting of grapes. All of this enables the educational plans and programs of viniculture to get completely realized.
Students, with their knowledge and skills, have the opportunity to participate and overlook the growth of different sorts of grapes like Italian Reisling, Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon as well as 164 experimental sorts belonging to the Ministry of agriculture. All the plantations, both black and white grapes, can be found on the soil of the school „Cair“, and are raised by the use new technology. On the school economy, there are 10 hectares (24.7acres). All the breeding sorts of vine (grapevine) can be found here.
All of this contributes to acquiring practical knowledge, and the perfect high school kids are enabled for work in wine production.